From July 11th to 18th, three Redemptorists of Bratislava Vice- Province and two covenant mission fellowships, River of Life and Calvary, met together to rest, reflect and celebrate. Each morning Fr. Michal Zamkovský, C.Ss.R, led a short reflection on community and missionary life. He used meditations from the book Easter People by Cardinal Tagle of Manila. The reflection was followed by sharing in small groups. Each day before lunch the community celebrated the Eucharist. The afternoon was a time for swimming, hiking in the High Tatras and other leisure activities. Evenings were devoted to worship sessions and reflections on our common mission in Slovakia as well as on mission outreaches to Kenya, Romania, Kazakhstan, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.
Lay missionary fellowships meet every summer for about a week for a time of rest, recreation, reflection and community prayer. This year two lay fellowships, the River of Life and Calvary, decided to spend this time together. At the gathering there were also two guests: a young diocesan priest who, inspired by the Redemptorists, spent six years in mission work in Kazachstan and another special guest from the Protestant tradition, Colin Symes from Edinburgh, Scotland. He is one of the leaders of the Community Church in Edinburgh. Colin has been a close friend of ours for over twenty years and the relationship between our fellowship and his community is very strong.
Rastislav Dluhý, C.Ss.R
Redemptoristi - provincialát
Puškinova 1
811 04 Bratislava
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